Precision Planting Yield Sense

Harvest / Planning

You can capture and analyze your field’s performance by management zones. Then plan for next season with your harvest data integrated with your planting solution.

Simple Yet Accurate

Make sense of your yield data and make better decisions for your operation:

• instead of time consuming re-calibrations,

    get simple, reliable results

• instead of isolated information,

    get instant connectivity and sharing

• Instead of complicated desktop software,

    get yield-by-hybrid reports instantly from the cab

• instead of only whole-field results,

    get zone-by-zone yield data

    unlike any other yield monitor

Farming By Zone

Unique to YieldSense is the capability to get yield and location data in management zones, instead of the field as a whole. Then you can pinpoint planting solutions with the same accuracy.


Data that requires complicated desktop software doesn’t allow you to make real time decisions from the combine. YieldSense does

It can show you side-by-side maps – yield and as-planted – as you move across the field. You can make meaningful comparisons across yield zones, hybrids, fertilizer levels and more. That allows you to make better decisions for the future.

• Ultimate Accuracy

• Real-Time Yield by Hybrid Reports

• Wireless Data Sharing Between Combines

• Define Management Zones

• Enhanced with Climate Fieldview™ Plus

Detail & Summary

You can get average bu/a for the whole field from just about any yield monitor. But only YieldSense will give you yield by hybrid reports from the cab. So you can confidently plan changes for next year real time.

YieldSense drives better decisions with data you can trust.

Other yield monitors fall short. When speed changes, so does the mass of grain passing the flow sensor, and you get varying results. YieldSense changes the way grain flow is measured. Our patented flow sensor is installed in the correct location, so accurate yield is measured across all mass rates.

With real time yield by hybrid reports, wireless data sharing between combines, and a Grain Property Kit to keep the system accurate, YieldSense gives you the tools you need for better decisions at harvest and beyond.

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