Precision Planting Keeton Seed Firmer

When seeds don’t make it to the bottom of the furrow, there is an air gap that causes a delay in emergence. Seed Firmers press each seed to the bottom of the furrow to improve seed-to-soil contact and give you a crop stand you can be proud of.

The Keeton Seed Firmer gently presses every seed into the bottom of the trench to tuck it firmly in the soil, ready to take in the moisture and heat it needs. A simple attachment that adds yield to your planter.

When seeds don’t land in the bottom of the trench where they belong an air pocket forms underneath them leading to late germination and emergence, and loss of yield. The Keeton Seed Firmer presses out any air pockets to avoid these problems.

The Keeton Seed Firmer can also act as a liquid application tool for insecticides, fungicides, and proper in-furrow fertilizers. Choose directly on the seed placement or a splitter to split the stream of liquid.

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