Selecting the correct liquid fertilizer pump for your application technology and fertility program rates can be difficult. Precision Planting Pump Stack makes it easy to pair up your application technology with your fertility rates, and is designed to work with Precision Planting’s Fertility System or other rate controllers so that you can easily design a liquid fertility system.
By combining high-quality Annovi Reverberi diaphragm pumps with an air accumulator and pressure bypass design and adding pre-pump filtration, these pump stacks simplify the configuration process and allow you to get all of your high-value liquid system components from your trusted Precision Planting Premier Dealer.
Pump Stack is flexible for your operation. With three sizes to choose from, you can easily select the one that best fits your rates. Pump Stack is ordered without a motor and is directly compatible with Precision Planting and John Deere PWM-controlled hydraulic motors. Use a motor you already have or choose the one that works best for you.