Precision Planting Clarity

Standard blockage systems tell if a product is flowing, but that’s about it. Clarity offers high-definition visibility into air seeders, box drills, dry fertilizer applicators and strip-till bars in real-time. The Clarity system displays and maps flow variability and product blockage metrics, row-by-row, on the 20|20 monitor in the cab. The Clarity system displays and […]
Precision Planting PumpStack

Selecting the correct liquid fertilizer pump for your application technology and fertility program rates can be difficult. Precision Planting Pump Stack makes it easy to pair up your application technology with your fertility rates, and is designed to work with Precision Planting’s Fertility System or other rate controllers so that you can easily design a […]
Precision Planting EMHD

EMHD controls liquid application rates using an electromagnetic flow meter. This opens up your options for a wider range of liquid products. Use the liquid product you want with the accuracy you need with EMHD. EMHD is robust against debris and the viscosity of the fluid no longer matters. The EMHD modules can be configured […]
Precision Planting DuraWear

You can’t run your planter without the basic components. But you can equip your planter with durable wear parts from Precision Planting. Equip your planter with components built to last. You know that planter row unit maintenance is critical for consistent plant emergence. It’s simple: worn row unit components, especially worn parallel arms and gauge […]
Precision Planting SmartDepth

Adjusting depth on your planter is time-consuming. SmartDepth allows you to quickly and easily make depth adjustments, from inside the cab, as conditions change. This saves you time and gives you the confidence that each row is set right where you need it to be. When you are trying to get seeds just below the […]
Precision Planting Panorama

Viewing and transferring data out of the cab is not always simple. With Panorama™ you can easily view maps, input summaries, and agronomic data from a Gen 3 20|20. See all your 20|20 data on your phone, computer, or platform of your choice. The Panorama™ app and website offer a high-quality experience for viewing, sharing, and analyzing 20|20 data […]
Precision Planting Cornerstone Planting System

Allowing growers unmatched planting performance through ease of in-field use, simple adjustments for changing planting conditions, and best-in-class durability and serviceability, the CornerStone Planting System is the newest product revealed from Precision Planting. “CornerStone really is everything but the planter bar,” said Caleb Schleder, director of technical services and support, Precision Planting. “We’ve built the […]
SureStop Clutches

SureStop electric row clutches turn planter sections on/off row-by-row using low-maintenance, easy-to-install automatic row shutoffs. Lower Seed Cost by eliminating double planting at end rows, point rows and partial swaths. Increase Yield by ensuring even spacing and reducing competition between plants. Increase Productivity by eliminating the need to slow down to raise/lower the planter at end rows.

Electric Drives For Your Planter, Your Meter. Individual Row Section Control Each SureDrive row also acts as an individual section shut-off, reducing overlap, wasted seed and lodged plants. Variable Rate or Prescription Based Easily and effectively vary the population across the whole planter with the hyper-responsive electric SureDrive unit. Turn Compensation Avoid overplanting inside rows and underplanting outside rows with […]

Planter Hydraulic Downforce with Uplift. Instant Response Time Instantly responds to changing conditions by adjusting pressure to give each row the exact pressure needed to plant at ideal depth. Replaces manual springs or airbags that have a up to 20 seconds delay in response. Instantly Apply or Remove Force Overcome the toughest field conditions with […]