Multi-Hybrid Planting with Speed

Precision Planting’s mSet is built on the unparalleled accuracy of vSet and vDrive, which provide impeccable seed placement and simplicity of drive system. A seed selector is added to the hopper to switch hybrids, along with a seed pool level sensor in the meter. The level sensor tells the seed selector when the meter needs more seed, and it drops a dose of seed into the meter. This continually happens until it’s time to switch hybrids.

At hybrid change, the level sensor will let the seed pool run low, then call for a dose of the other hybrid to enter the meter just in time for the change, leading to a short transition between hybrids. The seed pool is being controlled by the mSet selector so there is always a small amount of the correct hybrid in the meter, allowing the vSet meter to accurately singulate those seeds. The result is the hybrid you select, in the area of the field you select, planted with the highest accuracy.

The mSet system, along with it’s vSet companion, can be utilized with both seed tubes and SpeedTube. The choice is yours: maximize the potential of each area of the field at a traditional speed, or maximize genetics and efficiency by pairing multi-hybrid planting with high speed planting.